Saturday, December 31, 2011

311211 ♥

Time flies. Few more hours & goodbye to 2011. :')
Here is the end of my favorite month.
Here is my last post in 2011, loll.
But I still haven finish update the things happened in this year, I still will update all of it in the coming 2012.
Btw, I learnt alot in the whole 2011,
I went through alot & the life like roller coaster....
*up, down, up, down, 360 degree turning, up, fly over ......*
Glad that the peoples around me cheer me up.
Continue to be an easy come easy go's girl in the coming 2012!  

*spot the length of my hair in the photo* 
The hair length gone, welcome 2012 with a short length hair. 
Yes! I cut short my hair. :')
All the spoiling part almost gone,
new hair length, new hair colour in the 2012. *haven dye new colour yet, dark purple is coming soon*


I make my last wish in 2011 yesterday in twitter :

& I really receive an email from you in this afternoon.
Thanks for let me know you still read through my blog & also the twitter corner in my blog after the things happened.
Thanks for make my wish come true.

To you : 
收到你的“对不起” 让我开心到流泪。

Happy New Year Eve, 
2012 please be good to everyone.

Friday, December 30, 2011

21 years love story ♥

*put your hands up in the air, shake your body like that~ * I cant stop sing this sentence after I back from the dinner with the parents. Already get high after few cup of beer. :p *make it short, clapclap*

30.12.1990 : The marriage life started with a simple ring.....
30.12.2011 : 21st anniversary day.
Daddy mummy, our life is awesome just because of you two. 
Without you two, our life not call a life. :P
You two always our everything. 
No doubt. & thanks for loving us always no matter what. *muahhhhh*
I wish I can always be the one make you two smiles when something make your mood down. :) 
wanna be the girl who dont let you two worry & I will try my best take care the sis & bro just because Im daddy mummy's big girl. :')


Dinner : Happy Cafe @ Happy Garden.

 Beer session when having dinner. 
Daddy ordered one bucket of beer for the dinner. :D
The first time drink with whole family. 

Mix Grill - Mummy ♥

Black Pepper Udon - Daddy's favorite ♥

Chicken Chop - Black Pepper - Lil sis ♥

Dry Hot & Spicy Noodle - Lil Brother ♥

Chicken Cheese with Ham - Younger sis & mine ;) *myfavorite.

30.12.2011 ♥.♥
The last Friday of 2011 = 21st anniversary day
The beloved daddy & mummy ;) 

As I promised just now when having dinner:
 when the 23rd anniversary day which mean 30.12.2013 come... 
I will bring them to celebrate with my own earning!

The daddy & mummy are the BEST OF THE MAN & WOMAN in my life. :') ♥

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

One Sweet One Night

Went for a lunch or the so called mini birthday celebration with Winnie on the next day of my birthday which was 10th of December. :) Which mean its about last last last Saturday, hahaha, loll. Always update late, *epic failed* 

Anyway, we bought the OneSweetOneNight set lunch voucher from milkadeal which cost rm11.80 instead of RM56 for 1 Spaghetti Dish + 1 set of side dish + French-style Cream Pumpkin Soup + 1 Chrysanthemum Tea with Jelly. *nom nom nom, I feel so hungry right now* loll.
Address : A2-G2-3A, Solaris Dutamas, Jalan Dutamas 1, Kuala Lumpur 50480, Malaysia. 
"Its actually at the area of Publika Shopping Gallery which located at Mont Kiara."
  *google it if you want to know the details. :)
Surf their menu with flashy Ipads. 

The Mood Diary place at every table. 
You can actually leave your footprint with your wording inside the diary! I did not do so because I got no pen to write. :( *wasted* I should leave my footprint there. sobsss :'(

This is the side dish - Prawn & I dont know what its actually call. 
But it taste great. Its taste like tempura... hahah! I love this to the max. 

French Style Cream Pumpkin Soup.
I dislike this! loll. So creamy and feel like milk, i dislike milk. lolll.

Chrysanthemum Tea with Jelly. *likeyyyy*

Bacon Spaghetti with Cream Cheese - Mine.
I actually like this because of the cream cheese, but I cant finish this because its too oilyyy.

Salmon Spaghetti with Cream Cheese - Winnie's.

The environment here was nice actually. 
Just I dislike the staff walk like king kong, keep making noise when he pass through us.
Food still not that bad, just too oily.
If next time I have the chance, I must go again & try others food.
Last but not least, its a must to leave my footprint there. hahhahhaa! 

Time to stop blogging. good the night, goodnight bloggie. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Photoshooting #1

One month ago, had an outdoor photoshooting session with my bestie, Cindy. :)
Venue : 法国村 Bukit Tinggi
Photographer : Jacky Lim

Had this photo shooting session due to someone bought The glory of love's voucher and present to me.
So ya, I choose to shoot with my bestie.
Our themes had became : Friendship.
Other than this, I had gained some experience through this outdoor shooting.
Before this, I had experienced studio shooting which I was helped out on my friend's assignment! 
:)) Its fun experience but tiring! lolll. 

 There were more than 40 photos which we shoot in personal and also togather. ;)
*I only upload some photos* heheheh. Enjoy. :))))

Its okay to have flaws, which make you real. ♥
Every time I think of you, I find myself smiling without conscious.

Im ordinary yet unique ♥

Being happy, 
it is not because of how much you own but for the big part that you dont care for.
快乐不是因为拥有得多,而是因为计较得少 ♥

Hello readers,

再过十年,二十年,我们还是好朋友。 ♥

谢谢你做我的好bestie ♥

时间让我们各奔东西,但请记住我们在一起的美好时光 ♥


Please appreciate the friendship even thou friendship is REALLY not everything of your life, 
but its a part of your life too. :))

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

officially 19.

Its December.
Its my favorite month, 9 is my favorite number. 
9th of December, my day! ♥.♥
My favorite day in every year, I think everyone will same like me.
Love your birth-day? :D
Ohya, Here I come a lated post about  my 9teen birthday! :)
Im lated for almost 10days. hahahaha XD
Here a short post to update due to I haven get all the photos from friend. 
Just an appreciate post here.


The first cake & also the only cake in my 9teen years old. 
Many of them had made my day. ♥

Genting trip after the final end with alot of them *not going to list out*
They make the steamboat session as secret (well, they semi-failed in this, hahah, but still a great session);
Special birthday shoutout/wish via 988 from my cousin sis, Chole;
A phone call + birthday song recording from daddy, sisters & brothers *that time at genting*;
A phone call from Canada, you know who you are :) ♥ you still the best even thou both of us happened somehing & make us turned so strange right now. *pfft*;
Birthday wishes face-to-face from the coursemates @ hotel room;
Wishes via text, facebook wallpost, twitter, email, phone call, etc from the peoples who I love, who I dont know, who I know, and whoever! X)) ;
The surprises prepared by the course-mates in the hotel room while Im bathing, & I got the surprises under the blur status! hahahah! actually its feel great! ;))
The beer session to ended my birthday with shuming & two little beloved sister at station one. 

everything I got in this day!
Everything were so so so wonderful in that day & night! :)
*did i missed out anything* Hope its NO! 
Thank you everyone & thank you for every single things!
You guys created some part of my memories in my life! lovechu allll! ♥♥

Ms.Candle, please make my dream come true. 
I make 3 wishes, 
second, when I get marry, parents must be with me ! :D *this is nonsense wish I ever make, hahaha*
THIRD : *inside my heart* 


Im not my parents everything but they're my everything. I love my dad & mum.
Im not my sis & bro's everything but they're my something I cant live without.
I always try to be my friends's something, I wanna be their good listener, I try to hold the friendship until my last breath, I always try my best to hold it, I dont want an END for any friendship unless you or I deserve it.
:) A love toward a boy haven make me feel like I cant live without love. Still single!
Officially single for 2 years! :) 

goodnight peeps, take care, will try to update more. 
goodnight world, goodnight bloggie, goodnight readers ♥♥♥♥♥

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